Tuesday, June 3, 2008

finally: a brief update from Firenze

Sorry it has been so long since I've written- it's been quite a chore, finding internet access so I can get on and update, our apartment doesn't have any (boo)...but I finally paid for a months worth of access at an internet cafe, it's about a 10 minute walk from our lovely new temporary home at Via Palazzuolo, so hopefully I will have more time to stop by here and keep up with this, although our new schedule has been fairly busy and full.

Even now, I don't have time for a true update/catch up, because I have photos and art history journals due tomorrow that need to take priority, and I can't spend too much time here now...but I have been making notes over the past days to remember things that occur that I want to come back and record here, starting back where I left off, right before my birthday, and then continuing up until now, over a week into my new life in Florence. I'll be back here tomorrow to do that, so be watching for a novel that will appear very soon, with all the graphic details of my explorations.

Here is a current list of my favorite things I have discovered in Florence, so far:
*sundried tomatoes, soaked in oil with crushed red pepper
*green tea and pistachio gelato
*the pears and fresh strawberries (they are the brightest red, most luscious strawberries you will ever see- and they stain your mouth, they're so ripe)
*the central market (it's a two story market of the freshest food you will ever eat: top story is displays of fruit and veggies, a colorful ocean of produce; bottom story is what seems like miles of counters that sell amazing cheeses, meats and poultry, bread right out of the oven, wines, etc- kind of like a permanent farmers market heaven)
*the public sculpture- it's everywhere!
*the architecture, especially those with Byzantine and Islamic influences (more on this later, as well as accompanying pictures)
*the Tuscan countryside (the beautiful, endless rolling hills make you want to abandon yourself and forget about the home you left behind)
*lemoncello and duh! the vino (red, half watered down like the Italians drink it)

At the market, you can have the venders make you fresh sandwiches, kind of like an Italian Subway, except so much better and fresh: "I'd like a sandwich"= "Vorrei un panino." (per piacere= please)

It is hard to wrap my head around how absolutely gorgeous everything is here. The streets are alive every time of day, even late at night (when I'm trying to sleep, the discoteque across the street pumps it's drunken patrons out onto the cobblestones, yelling in who-knows-what language.) There are endless outdoor market vendors, white overhangs stirring in the breeze, selling anything you could desire- Italian leather purses, ornate "handmade" scarves, reflective sunglasses of every color and shape. The buildings stand tall and hover close together, as if they are a great big family, and their arms and legs carve out narrow alleyways that we walk often (everywhere, we walk to),and lose our way in often, as well. There are "gelataterias" on every corner, beckoning to your sweet tooth, and little cafes with out of this world cappuccinos...I had my first expresso shot (straight) the other day, and was still buzzing hours later, but it was well worth it: the coffee here is so much better (not to brag or anything.) In fact, the food in general here is so mouthwatering, you eat it all day and still dream of it at night.

On Saturday, we made a one day trip to visit Pisa and Lucca...I'll write details later, because both cities were captivating- I'll post more pictures later as well (later, later, always later- so much to catch up on!) We have just been trying to adjust to everything- in every area, our lives are changing. I promise there will be a lot more next time I update, bear with me while I try to learn to balance my time. I miss everyone so much, but... I'm not sure I'm coming back.


[My homesickness has mostly passed because of how busy we have been, and I am falling in love with this city....I'm trying to enjoy it to the fullest, because time is flying by, and my first week has already come and gone.]

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